must be running.
Cruises at $1000 - $2000
- $1077.9 - 2026-04-20 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1097.58 - 2026-04-27 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1107.9 - 2026-09-07 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1117.68 - 2026-06-29 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1186.32 - 2026-09-28 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1209.9 - 2026-06-15 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1209.9 - 2026-06-22 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1209.9 - 2026-08-24 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1232.22 - 2026-08-17 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1257.9 - 2026-06-08 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1257.9 - 2026-07-20 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1257.9 - 2026-07-27 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1257.9 - 2026-08-03 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1257.9 - 2026-08-10 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1281.9 - 2026-09-14 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1281.9 - 2026-09-21 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1299.9 - 2026-05-25 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1299.9 - 2026-08-31 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1329.9 - 2026-04-06 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1347.9 - 2026-05-04 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1347.9 - 2026-05-11 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1347.9 - 2026-05-18 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1361.1 - 2026-04-13 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1395.9 - 2026-06-01 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1421.94 - 2026-07-13 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1423.56 - 2026-07-06 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1432.14 - 2026-09-24 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1445.9 - 2026-04-16 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1445.9 - 2026-04-23 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1485.9 - 2026-05-07 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1485.9 - 2026-05-14 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1485.9 - 2026-05-21 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1485.9 - 2026-09-03 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1485.9 - 2026-09-10 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1542.14 - 2026-07-02 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1621.9 - 2026-06-18 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1621.9 - 2026-06-25 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1621.9 - 2026-07-09 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1621.9 - 2026-08-20 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1621.9 - 2026-08-27 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1645.1 - 2025-10-30 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Melbourne
- $1645.1 - 2025-11-06 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Melbourne
- $1658.3 - 2025-11-13 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Melbourne
- $1672.4 - 2026-01-23 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1672.4 - 2026-01-30 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1678.4 - 2026-01-09 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1678.4 - 2026-02-06 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1681.06 - 2026-01-30 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Sydney
- $1685.9 - 2026-06-11 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1685.9 - 2026-07-16 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1685.9 - 2026-07-23 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1685.9 - 2026-07-30 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1690.4 - 2026-02-20 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1696.14 - 2026-03-23 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1713.56 - 2025-12-04 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Auckland
- $1713.56 - 2025-12-11 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Auckland
- $1717.9 - 2026-09-17 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1723.38 - 2025-10-24 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Sydney
- $1724.4 - 2025-09-19 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Halloween on the High Seas Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1730.4 - 2025-09-05 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1736.4 - 2025-09-12 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Halloween on the High Seas Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1749.9 - 2026-04-02 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1749.9 - 2026-08-13 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1750.38 - 2026-04-09 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1761.4 - 2026-05-04 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Baja Cruise from San Diego
- $1772.4 - 2025-05-05 : Disney Dream: 4-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1772.4 - 2025-05-12 : Disney Dream: 4-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1792.4 - 2026-02-27 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1796.4 - 2025-05-23 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1804.4 - 2026-01-16 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1805.4 - 2025-10-27 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Disney Magic at Sea Cruise from Sydney ending in Melbourne
- $1831.76 - 2025-04-04 : Disney Magic: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1831.76 - 2025-04-11 : Disney Magic: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1838.4 - 2025-05-09 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1848.18 - 2026-03-02 : Disney Adventure: 3-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1850.4 - 2025-05-16 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1852.4 - 2026-09-11 : Disney Destiny: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1877.9 - 2026-06-04 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1877.9 - 2026-08-06 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1892.3 - 2025-04-25 : Disney Magic: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1908.4 - 2025-05-01 : Disney Dream: 4-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1913.92 - 2026-01-21 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston
- $1913.92 - 2026-01-25 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston
- $1915.7 - 2026-09-18 : Disney Destiny: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1918.3 - 2025-05-02 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1923.02 - 2026-05-07 : Disney Wonder: 4-Night Pacific Coast Cruise from San Diego ending in Vancouver
- $1927.76 - 2025-04-18 : Disney Magic: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1937.38 - 2026-02-26 : Disney Wonder: 4-Night Pacific Coast Cruise from Vancouver ending in San Diego
- $1941.9 - 2026-05-28 : Disney Adventure: 4-Night Cruise from Singapore
- $1945.92 - 2026-02-11 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston
- $1946.4 - 2025-05-30 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1953.4 - 2026-01-02 : Disney Dream: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1961.92 - 2026-01-29 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston
- $1961.92 - 2026-02-02 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston
- $1973.32 - 2025-03-31 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Bahamian Cruise from San Juan ending in Fort Lauderdale
- $1977.92 - 2026-02-25 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston
- $1982.82 - 2026-08-28 : Disney Destiny: 3-Night Bahamian Cruise from Fort Lauderdale
- $1985.92 - 2026-01-07 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Western Caribbean Cruise from Galveston
- $1990.06 - 2026-03-06 : Disney Wonder: 3-Night Baja Cruise from San Diego
- $1999.86 - 2025-10-20 : Disney Magic: 4-Night Halloween on the High Seas Bahamian Cruise from Port Canaveral ending in San Juan